What is a Scooch Leadership Lab?
It is a leadership growth experience designed to help each individual grow, improve, and move just a little in their life and leadership. In addition, you will receive ongoing development with four virtual sessions over the next 11 months. Who should attend a Scooch Leadership Lab? Everyone! Or more accurately, anyone who wants to grow in their life and leadership. We have had business owners, CEO’s, middle management, formal leaders who lead other people and those who don’t, new leaders and leaders who have been leading for a long time. Scooch is designed to help anyone grow at any level. The content is applicable to every area of life and leadership regardless of position or status. Warning: you must be open to learning, growing and possibly thinking differently or you probably won’t like it much! What is the format? First and foremost, it will be fun and interactive. Scooch Leadership Labs will be two days [unless otherwise noted]. There will also be a follow up Zoom session 4-6 weeks after for added info, reminders, updates and check in. Both days start at 8am and end by 5pm. There will be small group discussions, videos, extra books and articles and we promise to not make you do anything awkward; you know, like trust falls and stuff like that! Who is leading the Scooch Leadership Lab? The main guy that you will hear from the most is Steve Thomas. You can get to know him more by clicking here. But here’s what you need to know about Steve. He believes that you will never be a better leader until you become a better person! So, his whole objective is to help people live better lives, be better people and become the best version of themselves. Better people make better organizations and better teams and better leaders and better marriages and better…well, hopefully you get the point. |
How can I use a Scooch Leadership Lab?
The Leadership Lab can be used in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. Many organizations have used it as their leadership development base sending a few people each year. Then there are those who attend on their own so they can hear, learn and implement solid life principles to help them grow personally. There have been occasions in which a team will attend together and have ongoing discussions about the content between the Scooch sessions. We have even had married couples attend together to strengthen their marriage. You pick. Scooch is available to anyone who wants to grow in their life and leadership and can be a huge resource to use for development. Why is this whole thing called The Scooch Project? Great question! And the most popular one. Simply put, a lot of a little makes a lot, so we want to inspire and equip people to move just a little! Most of the time when people try to grow professionally or personally or any other way for that matter, they try way too much at one time. That usually causes frustration. And it’s not necessary to take large leaps to develop. All it takes is small steps, small nudges or in our language…Scooch! By the way, how do you move an elephant? A little at a time! Is Scooch or the content industry specific? Absolutely not! We have had a LOT of different industries involve in Scooch; banking, health care, insurance, mechanical contracting, plumbing, cosmetology, medical sales, church and ministry, financial, restaurant, education, higher education, manufacturing, home health care, construction, collision and auto repair, hospitality, chiropractic, health and fitness, pharmaceuticals and stay at home parents. However, they all have one thing in common…life and leadership development! Is there homework? We don’t call it homework. We call it a challenge. And, yes, there are challenges. We want to create ongoing development, not just a two-day event. It will not be anything strenuous or extremely time consuming. Most challenges are designed to be practices of the content that was just discussed. Trust us, it’s worth it! The challenges will be discussed and planned in detail the last half of day two. |
Warning: We don't do normal well.